Howdy folks! Welcome to the start of my blog. This is where I'll be documenting my artistic career and thoughts. Today being the monumentous day one, I'll do a bit of both. Treat this post as a bit of exposition, a chance to get to know a little bit about me :) (Heads up, I'm not really sure how any of this works, this being my first blog and all, so forgive any tangents or slip ups) Howdy, I'm Ty. At the time of me writing this I am currently 16 years old living in the crown jewel of suburbia. I've never really been much of an artist before, and have instead been working my way through as many high level arithmetic based courses as possible. And (I start sentences with "and" sometimes, I feel it's appropriate for a conversational writing tone) while the courses do intrest me on some sense, I've always known that a life in those careerers would suck the life out of me. For the past eight-ish years (probabbly more like 11), I have been involved ...