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Showing posts from October, 2017


The gist of this piece comes from how I felt and acted as a child. I wasn't very individualistic and mainly focused on my studies. Now looking back, I see a lot of time squandered. Also I realize that calcu-roach is three syllables while cockroach is only two. But I always call them cock-a-roaches so really it's all just self indulgent to title the piece calcu-roach as opposed to calc-roach- but hey... its my piece. 

Mutant Me

Mutation #1: Tree Dearing What is the name of the mutation strain that has affected you? Whoops-you're-a-tree-now-mococcus Describe the visible physical changes The creature has quite noticeably shed aside its human features. In the 24 day molting period that began after contact with the contagion, the skeletal system showed rapid growth, most noticeably along the spinal column, which had rapid vertical and upwards growth. Extensions began protruding from this central trunk. Until finally, on the eve of this beings full coming into form, the skin and flesh seemed to just molt off, to reveal a glistening set of pine needles and intricate woodwork, that twists and tangles like the thoughts of a madman. A void has appeared where there once was a mouth, it defies logic and seems to be boundless, as none of its prey ever leaves the beast's body in any way. All previous resemblance to its former self is gone except for two of its eyes (which constantly dart around i...
Not really sure if this counts as a "silhouettes" project, but it was fun to work with inverting an image and playing with shadows. Could have been more two dimensional as well. 
Wasn't feeling too hot when I made this. Could've followed the prompt more when I created it. Next one is going to be a lot better.