What trend was the article highlighting?
This article talked EXTENSIVELY about the dangers that reckless social media usage can have on a students future (this article focused primarily on the impact it can have to one's college acceptance rates).
Do you think this trend will continue? Why?
Explain how the behavior outlined in the article could affect a student’s future education and employment opportunities.
Its harder to get into college if the authorities know how stupid you really are. Getting into higher education is either something you earn or you con your way into: why remove the latter option?
This article talked EXTENSIVELY about the dangers that reckless social media usage can have on a students future (this article focused primarily on the impact it can have to one's college acceptance rates).
Do you think this trend will continue? Why?
Of course. As long as their is new technology, people will find a way to be stupid with it. Cave man made tasteless scrawlings on the wall, farm girls would itch shameless messages into woven patterns, and people from the Victorian era wrote way too much. If anything we've just gotten lamer with our delivery. In my eyes,the message of this article should be that this generation should really go about their **** posting in a much bigger way. Hack into a jumbo tron to display pictures of your food, rent an airplane to write out your drunk tweets in cloud messages, or raise a child to communicate only through your awful memes. Just make it big.
Its harder to get into college if the authorities know how stupid you really are. Getting into higher education is either something you earn or you con your way into: why remove the latter option?
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